Market Research Matchmaking

When it comes to conducting research, finding the perfect participants for your projects is of the utmost importance. Today, we’ll discuss our top five tips for finding your ideal candidates.

Prioritize the Initial Touchpoint

While, to some, it may seem trivial, the initial touchpoint between you and your provider is crucial; this conversation sets you up for success down the line. Why? It’s your opportunity to share all of the necessary details related to your project with the team. The more information that your provider has about your objectives, logistics, and what you need from them, the better they can serve you.

Create a Great Screener

It’s no secret that having a great screener significantly improves your chances of finding the perfect participants for your projects. To ensure that you get matched with your ideal candidates, write a thorough screener. The best screeners are structured in a funneled format, they look nice, they’re simple yet purposeful, and they’re made up of various types of questions. Looking for additional information on how to write a great screener? Read our article on how to make your next screener your best one yet.

Make Time for a Kickoff Call

Don’t underestimate the power of a productive kickoff call. Like the initial touchpoint, the kickoff call prior to having your provider distribute your screener is incredibly important. This is your chance to talk through your screener with your provider and to provide them with additional context about the questions you’ve chosen to ask ad why. Futhermore, these providers have seen many a screener in their time matching researchers with participants. This means they can give you feedback on your screener and help you make sure it will bring in the exact people you want to be speaking with.

Modify Your Screener During the First Recruiting Update

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we’re circling back to screeners yet again - they are undeniably important. During your first recruiting update with your provider, you should talk through what things have and have not been working and adjust your screener accordingly. If your screener is not doing the job that you want it to be doing, this is your chance to make a change. This may mean adding questions, subtracting questions, or making modifications to those that already exist. If your screener is bringing in the exact participants that you are looking for, changes won’t be necessary.

Be Transparent at the End of the Project

After your project has come to a close and you’ve matched with the participants that you needed for your market research project, have a transparent conversation with your provider. Discuss the things that went well, the things that didn’t, and all of the things in between. Providing this kind of honest feedback following a project will help to ensure that your next experience with market research matchmaking will be all the more successful.

Written by: Sadie Estey


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